It was on the afternoon I ate the bodie of christ
Nothing to do on a Friday afternoon no plans no homework no nothing
So there I sat and waited for something anything
Nothing came so I went out to get my books
Saw two of my neighbors but said nothing because during this ride anything
can come out
I didn’t feel any change once I went in and out of the bookstore
When I returned I put on a movie and I slowly felt happiness
The kind of happiness I remember feeling when playing with my legos
back in that boring colored empty home
After a while I decided to go out for a walk in town with my mask on so I can hide my unsmiling smile
Once my foot hit the street I could only hear
The man-made automobiles
The birds native to the land
The rain water flowing down into the man-made gutter
And the people’s footsteps
Going dun thun dun thun dun thun
Then after getting a cup of coffee and learning about why they asked
“What kind of medium do I want?”
A question created by the ignoranus caffinee junkies
I was now close to home
During this time going up G street a cop slowly drives next to me and I
look back at him and he drives off a bit faster
Then as I made the corner from G street and 11th street
I spotted a woman walking down G street ahead of me barefoot and shivering
As I made my right turn to 11th street two women standing outside their cars
Turn to me as the barefoot woman screams