My son, his girlfriend and my wife Nancy went to see Mad Max Fury Road. They saw it in 3D.
Nancy ate an unbelievable amount of popcorn and returned sick and assalted.
Son loved the movie. His girlfriend loved the movie. Wife hated the movie.
I didn’t see it. The trailer looks amazing but i think it would give me a headache and its probably one of those movies that is too loud. I am told by a reliable source that there is no plot. That’s fine with me. I get lost in plots anyway. And, I really hate plot twists and when they have these little clues to who really did what.
Mad Max. Fury Road. A no BS review. By me.
I will sit this one out until it is available for streaming. After seeing it then I will probably love it and regret not seeing it in the theaters.
But that is life, its full of great big and small moments and regrets.
Mad Max. A no BS review