This one-woman play at the Hudson theater mixes honesty and comedy in a seamlessly dynamic dialogue about the struggles with modern infertility. Meirav Zur who experienced it, wrote it, and performs it brings her multi-faceted talents to the intimate black box stage at the Hudson Theater until Dec. 12.
Meirav Zur is able to blend song, monologue, and physical comedy to bridge the gap between people who know about this complex and prevalent struggle and those that do not. Zur weaves a patchwork quilt of what it’s like to struggle with infertility firsthand. Her candor is as inspiring as it is marvelous to watch. Zur’s authenticity permeates the depths of this often heavy conversation.
Inconceivable is not only a performance it draws you in close and immerses you in a circle of trust. Zur carries the torch on a journey that is not often talked about. She is the perfect guide as she shines a light on a difficult issue that 1 in 5 women struggle with. She brings us closer as a community so that we can discuss this topic with truth and better understanding.